| A child 16 years old with suspected abscessed cervical lymphadenitis. In the side area of the neck there is severe (more than 2 times as compared with the other side - Fig. 3-5) thickening of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, in the posterior segments of muscle there is increased blood flow at CFM, posterior margin of muscle is unclear. To the posterior margin of the muscle adjoin a group of LN (about 10) maximum of 2 cm, in the area of an unclear muscule margin the LN also lose margin clarity, some of them in this area with the blood flow at CFM, some without, also near there is a isoechoic area, type of sludge contents (pus?), this area totally is about 3x4x1,5 cm(infiltrate with the abscess? etc.?). external link | |