Parents brought a 1-year-old female child to the medical center by the recommendation of a doctor for a follow-up ultrasound of the heart and abdominal cavity.
Previously, PFO and deformation of the gallbladder were detected.
On ultrasound, posterior to the bladder in the projection of the vagina / uterus, an anechoic structure with a solid component without blood flow at CFM is visualized, up to 20x15x8 mm in size (differential diagnosis: hydrocolpos: imperforated hymen, partial vaginal aplasia, urogenital sinus, etc.).
"Genital examination revealed a morphologically normal female with no dilation of the hymenal rim...
Interventional radiologist aspirated pus transabdominally and placed a vaginostomy tube that was left in place to continue to drain the vaginal vault until surgery. The fluid from the pyocolpos grew E. coli and the infant was treated with antibiotics...
We report here 2 cases presented with prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of lower abdominal mass. The final diagnosis was hydrocolpos secondary to distal vaginal atresia. The infant in the second case also had congenital urovaginal sinus."
"Contrast enhanced genitosonography (CEGS) of urogenital sinus...
Fig. 1. Sagittal transabdominal grayscale ultrasound of the pelvis demonstrates a partially distended urinary bladder and fluid within the vagina posteriorly."