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Subdural hemorrhage

Tags: Brain sonography(Neurosonography), GE Logiq 400 MD, Clinical report, Pediatric

  Subdural hemorrhage

    Parents of an infant at the age of 3 months came to the public clinic for scheduled follow-up neurosonography (NSG) from neurologist, clinically, according to the assessment of a neurologist, without any features, but there is a history of hypoxic-ischemic fetus injury, dropsy of the fetus, on the last NSG in the maternity hospital (2 months ago) IVH (intraventricular hemorrhage) ...

    On the current ultrasound, a subconvexital accumulation of fluid of an inhomogeneous structure up to 1.5 cm thick is visualized. On the CFM, the vessels in the projection of the fluid are not visualized.

    Dif. diagnosis: subdural hemorrhage / hematoma, etc.

    The child was recommended an emergency (by EMS) consultation with a neurosurgeon, CT / MRI of the brain.