A 10-year-old child with hematuria and suspicion of acute cystitis or trauma was admitted via the ambulance to the Children's City Clinical Hospital and was sent urgently for an urinary tract ultrasound scan from the ED.
On ultrasound, the right kidney with diffuse dilated collecting system, pelvis up to 1.5 cm, calixes up to 7 mm. In the area of the pyeloureteral junction, a stone up to 7 mm with an acoustic shadow is visualized, parapelvic ureter up to 5 ìì - a renal pelvis valve-stone. The calixes contain multiple echo-positive inclusions up to 2 mm (kidney microlithiasis). In the upper third of the left kidney, a cyst-like structure up to 9 mm, presumably a single dilated calix (Fraley syndrome).