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Air in the scrotum, post surgery condition

Tags: Scrotum sonography, Esaote MyLab 70, Clinical report, Pediatric

  Air in the scrotum, post surgery condition

    A teenager at the Children's City Clinical Hospital, a few days after the surgery for a unilateral spermatocele, a follow-up ultrasound is scheduled. It is also known that, on the other side, varicocele was identified but it was not clinically regarded as requiring surgery.

    On ultrasound in the post surgery side of the scrotum, several ml of echogenic fluid, in the upper third of the scrotum, an accumulation of hyperechoic point signals giving an artifact of reverberation and an acoustic shadow is determined, such signals are traced along the course of the corresponding thickened spermatic cord, presumably air.

    On the other side: varicocele and anechoic inclusion with a clear outline in the region of the epididymis head, presumably an epidydimal cyst.