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Nodular goiter, TiRads 2-3
BiRads 3-4
Nodular goiter TiRads 3-4
Hirschsprung disease on ultrasound
Intestinal Infiltrate
Bicuspid aortic valve 2
Abdominal cryptorchidism
Neonatal testicular torsion
Penetrating injury of the femur
Urachus fistula
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)
Subhepatic appendicitis and omentitis
Diffuse heterogeneous liver
Cranial mass
Fibrinous epididymitis
Bladder sludge
Echogenic brain foci
Pilonidal coccyx cyst
Subdural hemorrhage 2
Palm fistula, in search of pencil lead
Postoperative abdominal wall fistula
Willis circle at ultrasound
Stump appendicitis
Nucks cyst
Mitral valve cyst
Liver scar after resection
Periventricular hyperechogenicity
Combined (internal and external) hydrocephalus
Scrotum hematocele
Bright kidneys
Subdiaphragmatic movable fluid collection (UFO)
Lesion of the spleen or the case when it is easy to not notice
I’m normal but others ...
Single doubled kidney and Mullerian duct cyst in the infant
Varicocele in a child
Hydrocele (dropsy of the scrotum) in a child
Condition after removal of the spleen cyst
Submandibular area lesion
Hydrosalpinx (saktosalpinx)
Mastitis and cysts
Submandibular infiltrate (abscess)
Ileostoma stenosis and nephropathy
Femoral lymph node destruction
Subcutaneous abnormal body vessel
Portal vein air in the newborn
Clinic of appendicitis or ascites, peritoneum disseminates & hernia
Air in the scrotum, post surgery condition
Multi-chamber scrotum cyst
Periappendicular infiltrate
Lateral neck cyst/ branchial cleft cyst
Ovarian teratoma
Renal pelvis clot
Electrode in the right heart after installing of heart pacemaker
Chylopericardium, lung atelectasis, cardiomegaly, ascites
Postinjection lesion
Inguinal hernia with an ovary
Inter/intramuscular axillary mass
Recurrent shin trauma
Asymmetric LVH, aortic regurgitation
Hirschsprung's disease after surgery
Subdural hemorrhage
Diaphragmatic hernia, condition after surgery
Renal pelvis valve-stone
Infant intestinal obstruction
Condition after surgery for duodenal atresia
Condition after treatment of a kidney cyst
Complication of a blood test from a vein
Coronary fistula from LCA?
Intestinal obstruction, GB wall thickening
Cyst-like lesion in the back of the neck in infant
Giant cyst of the right lateral canal
Ileal perforation, abscess
Hydronephrotic transformation & polypous bladder wall
Diffuse changes of the testicle in a teenager (orchitis)
Thickening of the spermatic cord in a teenager
Condition after hydatides removal
Penetrating wound of the submandibular region
Cyst in the projection near the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle
Right ovary changes
Skin shell
Anomaly (doubling) of the popliteal vein
Portal hypertension
Subdural collection
Skin lesion in the projection of the surgical suture
Purulent / Suppurative lymphadenitis
Knee joint synovitis
Hematoma of the gluteal region
Pyelitis, cystitis
Lesion in the projection of the adrenal gland 2
Tirads 5 multinodular
Gallbladder, saw sign
Ileotiphlitis and mesadenitis
Cholelithiasis and hyperechoic gallbladder wall
Neonatal mastitis
Portal vein spontaneous enhancement (mononucleosis)
Pediatric Tirads 5
Hyperechoic renal sinus with acoustic shadow
Floating IAS aneurysm
Thickening and heterogeneity of the intercostal space soft tissues
Tirads 5
Lesions in the projection of the adrenal glands
Old hydrocele, testicular changes
Anechogenic inclusion in the posterior cranial fossa
Parietal bladder lesion
Hypoechoic spleen lesion
Cyst of the base of the brain
Chest wall lesion
Hockey Elbow
Aortic Stenosis
Acute Appendicitis, periappendicular infiltrate
Interthalamic adhesion aberration
Cavernous Transformation of the Portal Vein
Diffuse-focal changes in the liver, thick left kidney
Combination of left shoulder lesions
Suprasellar lession
Infiltrate/ phlegmon of the wrist
Lesion in the projection of the pancreas body
Postoperative Funiculitis/ Epididymitis
Subcutaneous lesion above the sternum
Floating Accessory Pulmonary Valve Tissue
Hyperechoic segment of the kidney
Double barrel shotgun sign
Thyroiditis 2
Baker's cyst and intramuscular hematoma
Necrotizing Enterocolitis
Flotation in the lateral ventricle
Liver cirrhosis and thickened omentum
Periappendicular Abscess
Adolescent Gynecomastia
Infected Medial Umbilical Ligament
Lesion in the projection of the pancreas tail plus
Torticollis / neoplasia
Hyperechoic linear structure in the left atrium
Scapula exostosis
Hydropericardium / tamponade
Hyperechoic lesion in the thalamus
Lesion of the temporal region
Cephalohematoma in a Newborn
Chord of the brain lateral ventricle
Condition after surgery (inguinal hernia and / or deferentitis)
Diffuse-focal thyroid changes, parathyroid glands adenomas
Bilateral single retractions of the kidney contour
Coronary fistula
Parotitis/Mumps, lymphadenitis of the neck
Acute Appendicitis
Zone of reduced echogenicity in the prostate
Lymphadenopathy of the cervical lymph nodes
Zones of reduced echogenicity in the projection of the menisci
Interatrial Communication
Position anomalies of the spleen and left kidney
Ovarian apoplexy 3
Torticollis 2
Increased periventricular echogenicity
Inguinal-scrotal hernia in infant 2
Lesion in the projection of the adrenal gland (situs inversus)
Strangulated inguinal hernia with necrosis and hemorrhage
Strangulated inguinal hernia with necrosis/hematoma
Accessory Thyroid Lobe
Tetralogy of Fallot
Inguinal-scrotal hernia in infant
1 kilogram of happiness
Subdiaphragmatic liver cyst in a child
Air in the renal CLS, nephrostomy
Fistula of the lateral surface of the neck in infant
Complex cyst above the testicle
Complete Duplicated Kidney, megaureters
Transient both sides megaureter
Hyperechoic fat like inclusions in the scrotum
Complex splenic cyst (group of cyst)
Prepatellar bursitis
Condition after testicular surgery - cryptorchidism
Hollow organ lesion sign, "Lost in Translation"
One and a half kilograms of happiness
Large Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
Normal adrenal gland of a newborn
Mirror artifact vs collapsed lung
Persistent thymus or not
Condition after surgery for varicocele
Air bronchogram
Groin Injury
Omphalocele and Tamm-Horsfall nephropathy
Iliac renal dystopia/ectopia
Pneumatosis intestinalis/ Necrotizing enterocolitis of newborns
Postoperative hydrothorax with sludge
Umbilical hernia in infant
Newborn Inguinal Hernia
Varicose disease
"Ball" in the abdomen
Subacute mastitis (cyst with inflammation) in a teenager
Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst
Coronary fistula from the left coronary artery
Acute appendicitis / periappendicular infiltrate
Thigh lesions
Fenestration of AS / Multiple ASD
Indirect inguinal hernia in a girl
Sialadenitis, lymphadenitis ...
Typhlitis, mesenteric adenitis ...
Intestinal intussusception
Pneumonia and hydrothorax on the left
Postoperative ureteritis
Traumatic epididymitis
Acute appendicitis, typhlitis
Intestinal intussusception, intestinal obstruction, ascites ...
Microcalcifications of the liver and spleen
Pulsating subependymal cyst
Cryptorchidism, testicular hypoplasia
Conglomerate in the right iliac area
Breast Cysts
White/ bright/ hyperechoic kidney symptom
Subluxation of the hip joint (type III Graf)
Doubling of the kidney
Cystic dysplasia, hematuria
Area with hyperechoic dot inclusions
Right Heart Enlargement
Sinus venosus ASD / PAPVC
Clinically suspected epididymitis
The lesion of the left thalamus
Testicular microlithiasis (microcalcification)
Hypoplasia of the left thyroid lobe
Phantom testicle
Mass in the hypogastrium
YT shorts
Acute phlegmonous appendicitis
Large axillary lesion
Double - IVH
Duodenal atresia
Intestine contusion
Progressive giant intussusception
Multifocal liver lesion in infant
Chest wound with barbed wire
Discharge from the navel
Lesion in the projection of the adrenal gland
Patchy uterus
Fibroid and nabothian cyst
Small pelvis lesion, presumably hydrocolpos
Knee cyst
Good vs Evil - femur
Foot pain
Cheek edema
Intestinal intussusception or Lost in Translation
Neck mass
Neck lesion
Combined CHD
Intestinal intussusception and signs names
Subcutaneous shoulder lesion
Lesion type of torsion of Morgagni's hydatide
Infant isolated thelarche
Testicle in the anterior abdominal wall
Fluid above the knee
Chest lesion
Right hypogastrium mass
Enlargement of the appendix
Stubbornness and faith in commerce
Something in the female pelvis
Lymph node purulent destruction
Postoperative abdominal infiltrate
Neonatal hemorrhagic syndrome
Lesion in the right upper quadrant
Postoperative infiltrate
Another Birads 4-5
Post-traumatic infiltration
Riedels lobe vs diaphragmatic hernia
Lesion in the projection of the anterior liver
Left & right ventricular non-compaction
Diaphragmatic hernia, ectopic spleen & air...
Gallbladder & comet's tail artifacts particles
PVL, pericarditis, LV fibroelastosis, ascites
Diffusive-focal changes of the thymus
3 inguinal hernias etc.
Atrioventricular canal
Wrist edema
Implanted metal plate
Few weeks after appendectomy
Condition after appendectomy
Vertebral artery hypoplasia in adolescents
Meconium peritonitis and ascites
Bilateral popliteal cysts with legs
RLQ phlebectasia
Strange ileac lesion
Olecranon bursitis
Star-like lesion
Abnormal spleen
Inguinal pearl
Testicular implant
Acute orchoepididymitis secondary to torsion ...
Cyst of spermatic cord
Subluxation of the hip joint in infant
Spleen cyst
Birads 4-5
Cystic-solid volume of the thyroid gland
Breast lesions 3
Atypical axillary LNs
Milky ducts
Birads 4
Birads 5
Hemangiomatosis of mammary gl. and birads 4-5
Uterine myoma(fibroid)
Lesion in pancreas head
Earrings and consequences
Giant mass in the female pelvis
Split-image artifact
I'm normal, it's all the rest ...
Liver hemangioma plus
Pancreatic tail cyst
Linea alba hernia plus
Phantom bladder lesion
Liver cysts plus
Polyposis of the gallbladder
Anomaly of caudal aorta
Hypoechoic node
Lesion in the female pelvis
Birads 0?
Smart alien
Liver cysts
Twinkling artifacts plus
Goiter Hashimoto
Lesions of mammary glands 2
Cholelithiasis 4
Thyroid lesions 4
Thyroid polymorphic lesions
Cholelithiasis plus 3
Thyroid lesions 3
Thyroid lesions 2
Cholelithiasis 3
Cyst of the epididymis and appendages
Polyps of the gallbladder
Lumbar pain
Epigastric pain
Subcapsular kidney cysts
Kidney cysts
Cysts and milk ducts
Perimedullary rings sign
Regional cervical lymphadenitis
Kidney calcinate plus
Thyroid lesion 4
2 plus 2 again
Thickening of the scrotum wall
2 plus 2
Thyroid lesion 2
On a kidney was sitting ...
PO suture
Another GB polyp
Mickey Mouse sign
Lesion of mammary gland 2
Parenchymal renal cyst
Renal sinus cyst plus
Lesions of mammary glands
Cholelithiasis plus 2
Cholelithiasis plus
diffuse changes of the thyroid
Gallbladder, free fluid, etc.
Lower abdomen pain 2
Lesion posterior to the thyroid right lobe
Another polyp of the gallbladder
Cholesterol pseudopolyp?
Good vs Evil - thyroid 4
Suspected appendicitis
Non visualization of testicles
Infant normal adrenal
Varicose and Baker's cyst
Lesion near the trachea
Small renal angiomyolipoma
All the small things...
Myxomatous degeneration of MV
Diffusive-focal changes of the spleen
Liver cyst
Asymmetric movement of the myocardium
Acute cervical lymphadenitis
Gallbladder duplication & bright kidneys
Starry sky sign
Golf balls
Diffuse-focal changes of the thyroid gland
Hygromes of wrist
Thyroid gland lesion
Diffuse thyroid changes
Extra flow in the RV
Not fully treated ascaridosis
Situs inversus
Condition after radical correction of the CHD
Additional flow to LVOT
MV fistula?
Another PDA
Lenticulostriate vasculopathy
Testicular microlith
Increased blood flow in the thyroid
Gluteal region lesion
Pseudotumor of the liver
Bifurcated rib (Lushka's fork)
Lesion in a female pelvis
Midline neck lesion
Thigh lesion
Asymmetry of the shin muscles
Schlatter's disease
Fistula of the foot
Foreign body of foot skin
Thyroid lesions
Suspected liver hemangioma
Good vs Evil - thyroid 3
Cysts in the pelvis
Left ventricular non-compaction
Product number 8
Handle of the LV
Medullary Rings
Lesion of the front wall of chest
PDA forth and back
Bicuspid aortic valve
Thyroid lesion
Basketball player knees
Effusion in the pericardial cavity
Sometimes they bite
ASD ostium secundum
"Sand" in the kidneys
Venous lacunae
Extra flow in the heart
Varicose veins of LE
Such different ovaries
Hydronephrosis & Ureterocele
nabothian cyst
Haemorrhagic ovarian cyst
Exostosis vs Synostosis
Calcific abdominal lymphadenopathy
Thymic lesion
I am an intelligent man but sometimes ...
Where is the PA valve?
Actualization of the ASA
Lesion in the pancreas
Ovarian apoplexy 2
Perinephric lesion
Foxtrot Echo 5
Sports interest
Focal thyroiditis plus
Muscular IVSD
When nothing is clear
Incomplete testicular torsion
Testis hydatide torsion, pyocele
After oncosurgery
After anus atresia
Wrist abscess
Intracranial hemorrhage, CHD
Neonatal breast enlargement
Torticollis - infiltrate
Clinic is always right
Ladd's syndrome after surgery
Neuroblastoma. Diffuse infiltration of liver
Gallbladder polyps
Cubital vein thrombosis
Not a Rubik's Cubes
Vaccination schedule 2
Suspected retroperitoneal hematoma
Two in one
Exclude bleeding
Bruising/ hematoma/ rupture of the spleen
PVL and criteria
Condition after surgery - groin
It's complicated
Bilateral ureterocele and enterocolitis
Suspected gastric ulcer
Ileotyphlitis and/or ileocecal intussusception
Immunization schedule
Suspected intestinal pneumatosis
Polycystic kidneys
Onion rings sign
Suspicion of gastritis or renal colic
Vortex 2
A cyst in the left lower quadrant
Subhepatic lesion
White marble
Ovarian apoplexy
Kidney blockage
Shunt and cyst of brain ventricle
Extreme spleen
After intussusception straightening
Lesion of the distal third of the right femur
Thickening of the Achilles tendon
Hydrothorax and abdominal syndrome
The worse is better
Pain in the right iliac region
GB agenesis, Choledochal cysts, urolithiasis
Hydrocele and rete
Where is the testicle?
Thread-like structure in RA
Abdominal colic
Abdominal syndrome, two in one
Abdominal syndrome & bladder diverticulum
Acute epididymitis
Chronology of the coccyx's cyst
Complicated renal cyst
Redness of scrotum
Thickening of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
Abdominal syndrome
Maxillary sinus cyst vs maxillary sinusitis
Look at me
Tetralogy of Fallot before surgery 2
Detorsion of the hydatide torsion
Food poisoning
Ureterocele & megaureter
Beads eggs
Lateral meniscus lesion
Partial tears of the lateral meniscus
Acne on the back
Hydrocele & cryptorchidism
Scrotum hydrocele
Bladder cyst
Incomplete membrane vs abnormal chord of LA
Good vs Evil - thyroid 2
Yellow new white
Iliac kidney dystopia of abnormal shape
Bicuspid aortic valve with regurgitation
Condition after RC PAVC
Subtotal encephalomalacia 2
Pain in groin
Nobody knows what it is
Thickening of the stomach wall
Unconscious, history, clinic, US
Polysplenia (heterotaxy, left isomerism)
PDA before surgery
Good vs Evil - sacral area
Good vs Evil - subcutaneous lesion
Testicular torsion after surgery and thyroid
Testicular torsion after surgery
Thickening of the duodenum wall
Ascariasis of small intestine
Little Baker cyst
Curved small popliteal cyst
Spleen lesion
Post-traumatic ankle arthritis
Bilateral Baker cyst
The effect of extreme
Choledochal cyst
Group of hepatic cysts
Return of spermatocele
Tubular Ectasia of the Rete Testis
Tendon's cyst
Infrapatellar bursitis
Something on the neck
Extreme or good luck
Cryptorchidism, microlithiasis, bladder lesion
Classical Baker's cyst and the complexity ...
One kidney two uteri
Cyst near UB
Cystic dysplasia of the right kidney
Bull's eye
A close friends
Condition after left orchiopexy
1 bullet 2 targets
Inguino-scrotal hernia and enlarged appendix
Absence of the septum pellucidum
Only the questions
Subconvexital fluid
Dilatation of the GSV
Pelvic dystopia of the hypoplastic kidney
Simple kidney cyst with calcification
Simple colloid nodule
Isolated spleen calcification
Left-sided thyroid hemiagenesis
ASD and adrenal gland lesion
PDA 7yo
Kidney cystoma
Condition after hemangioma cryoablation
Free fluid and meniscuses
Spleen and LN
Frontal area lesion
Focal parotitis
Pregnancy and urolithiasis
Kidney's snowballs
Strange RVOT
Old prepatellar bursitis
Beta-thalassemia and vermiform appendix
Linea alba hernia vs lipoma part trois
"Tricky" IVSD
Shoulder hemangioma
Is it safe to puncture?
99 Luftballons
Chiari net
Osgood-Schlatter disease, tendinitis
Aortic regurgitation
Acute lymphadenitis
Good vs Evil
Accessory thymic lobe
Parathyroid lesions
Richly vascularized thyroid nodule
Tetralogy of Fallot postoperative
Lower abdomen pain
Testicular hypoplasia, torsion of cord
Scrotum pearls
Linea alba hernia vs lipoma part deux
Hernia of the linea alba / lipoma
Ectopic thymus
Hip dysplasia, subluxation
Idiopathic low-grade fever?
Hemangioma in the back of the head
Pendulum-like intestine peristalsis
Gallbladder polyp simulation
Polyp of the gallbladder
Hirschsprungs disease
Pelvic kidney dystopia of abnormal shape
Ultrasound screening without Doppler
Cyst but where?
Epididymis cysts
If impossible but very much wanted then possible
Small IVSD
Gallbladder duplication, choledochal cyst ...
Abnormal thyroid vein
Colloid nodules
Simple splenic cyst
Patent foramen ovale
VSD closure
The narrowing of the aorta
Pulmonary stenosis
Hydronephrosis, microstones, stent
Ulnar area shoulder mass
Clinically suspected appendicitis 3
Clinically suspected appendicitis 2
Clinically suspected appendicitis
Postinjection mass
Gluteal area oedema / panniculitis
Scrotum cyst like hydrocele
Rectus abdominis muscle contusion
Neck fistulas
Nephrostomy problems
Urolithiasis acute pain
Shoulder epiphyseal osteomyelitis
Supravalvular aortic stenosis
Postoperative suture complication
Condition after diaphragmatic hernia
Ordinary inguinal hernia
Clavicle area mass
Hemangioma of the chin area
Megaureter, ureteral valve-stone
Cryptorchidism, testis torsion & necrosis...
Enterocolitis, mesadenitis, intussusception
Giant spleen cyst
Strangulated inguino-scrotal hernia
Spinal surgery complication
Laparoscopic appendectomy, postoperative complications
Lower extremity swelling
Condition after choledochal cyst removal
Newborn intraventricular hemorrhage
Clinically suspected appendicitis 4
Free air in abdomen, intestinal pneumatosis
Prenatal testicular torsion
Record size appendicitis
Airless lung
Horseshoe kidney and Megaureter
Subhepatic appendicitis with appendicolith
Anuria. Acute renal failure
Classic appendicular infiltrate
Ascites, spleen fragmentation etc.
Biceps rupture
Bilateral postoperative hematocele
Small muscular interventricular septum shunts
Patent ductus arteriosus(PDA)
Twinkling artifact
Left inferior vena cava
Subcutaneous chest fistula
Both ovaries teratomas
Megaureter and cystic kidney dysplasia
Bladder mass
Appendicular infiltrate
Clinically suspected breast abscess
Subtotal encephalomalacia
Diaphragmatic hernia, intestine necrosis
Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst & fluid sac in uterus cervix
Corpus callosum dysgenesis(agenesis)
Septum pellucidum agenesis
Supposed renal hemangioma (angiomyolipoma)
Intracranial temporal area cyst
Neck lymphangioma
Liver pseudotumor
Double inferior vena cava
Liver and kidney solitary cysts
Bilateral paraproctitis
Ascites & cholelithiasis
Spleen microcalcification
Hyperechogenic(white) kidneys
Accessory spleen
Inguino-scrotal hernia
Pneumatosis intestinalis, intussusception etc.
Strangulated inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia, hydrocele
Choroid plexus cyst
Thyroid mass
Uterine cervix hyperechogenicity
Diaphragmatic hernia
Newborn male mastitis
Subhepatic appendicitis
Urachal sinus
Inflamed mammary cyst(mastitis)
Chylothorax in a newborn
Thyroid lobar hypoplasia
Single jugular vein
Retroperitoneal appendicitis
Intraventricular hemorrhage etc.
Shin muscle rupture & hematoma
Hydronephrosis of half of horseshoe kidney
Unicornuate uterus with rudimentary horn
Periventricular leukomalacia
Duplicated internal jugular vein
Interventricular septum defect
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
Hydatide torsion
Insidious intussusception
Midgut malrotation with volvulus
Coccygeal cyst
Single ascaride
Online sonograms measurement
Where are the buttons, dude?
3D vector analysis of 2D echograms
The lack of devices unification
Photoreport from Russian Health Care Week 2015
Wireless ultrasound probes
B-flow alternative to the CFM?
Troubleshooting ultrasound scanners
Dedication to a colleague
Ultrasound Flash revolution
Flash end of life
Mobile application for android
Transition to HTTPS
Slow-motion video
Facebook Widget
Mobile version is available
HTML5 video support
International day of radiology
Doorways, Goodbye!
Feedback - an error was found
Who are Sonologists?
Incompatibility with Flash player 11
New flash-components
We're open
Web-Tools for sonography: Online Calculators!
How to become a sonographer
ARDMS exam
Determining Chorionicity and Amnionicity
Interesting publication about neurosonography
MRI communism
Domo arigato mr. Roboto
Orange worm in medical equipment
And what is your gel, sterile?
A new method of labor induction ... joke
Ultrasound party
Playlist Pediatric sonography
Varicocele in a child sonography
Inguinal hernia in a child sonography
Acute scrotum in a child sonography
Acute abdomen in a child sonography
Playlist Neurosonography
Playlist Chest ultrasound
Playlist Lung ultrasound
Playlist Breast ultrasound
Playlist Thyroid ultrasound
Playlist Bones ultrasound
Playlist Vascular sonography
Playlist Intestinal ultrasound
Playlist Urinary tract sonography
Playlist Kidney ultrasound
Playlist Soft tissue ultrasound
Playlist MSK ultrasound
Playlist Female pelvic ultrasound
Playlist Scrotal ultrasound
Playlist Cardiac ultrasound
Playlist Abdominal ultrasound
Playlist Pediatric ultrasound
Lecture about LUS at COVID-19
ASE Webinars about COVID-19
EFSUMB Webinar: LUS in COVID-19
ESC Webinar: LUS in COVID-19
Photoset from conference about elastography
Answering your questions
honeycomb pattern in lungs
Doppler angle
Aliasing doppler artifact
Color M-mode
Anatomical M-mode
Resistive index
Thyroid volume
Teicholz formula ejection fraction
Pressure gradient
Estimated fetal weight by Ultrasound
Body surface area
Type of an infant hip joint
Gestational age by Ultrasound
Myocardial mass
Pulmonary artery pressure
Volume (ellipse formula)
Age / date difference in years and months
Body mass index
Area-length (Simpson) formula ejection fraction
Heart rate
Modified Simpson’s Rule formula (2 disks) ejection fraction
Modified Simpson’s Rule formula (3 disks) ejection fraction
"Bullet" formula (1 disk) ejection fraction
Measuring distance, area, circumference and angle on an image
Game: Sonographer certification
Ejection fraction
Volumetric blood flow
Pulsatility Index